Improvements in strength and fitness depend on when you train them

Year in and year out, coaches are challenged with developing a training and practice schedule that accommodates all players and coaching personnel. Two important factors must be considered in doing this: Availability of the team: This includes class schedules of athletes and work schedules of coaches depending on sport and level. This also depends on …

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Concurrent Training in Youth Athletes

The interference effect states that combined strength and endurance training (i.e., concurrent training) will impair gains in either parameter due to fatigue accumulation and from the opposing qualities that each training type aims to develop. This poses a problem for coaches of virtually all team-sport athletes that require high levels of both aerobic fitness and …

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Reducing the Interference Effect During Concurrent Training

One of the most difficult challenges that team-sport coaches are faced with is developing an effective training program that maximizes conditioning and strength/power development in their athletes. Further, getting both fitness and neuromuscular qualities to peak congruently for competition is extremely hard to do. The reason why this is such a challenging task is because …

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