Predicting performance with the isometric mid-thigh pull

There are pros and cons to performing frequent performance testing in athletes throughout the competitive season. Pros: Coaches can determine if strength and power are increasing, decreasing or staying the same. This can inform coaches of the effectiveness of their program and help drive in-season program design. Furthermore, it can lead to further investigation by …

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Off-Ice Tests Predict On-Ice Hockey Performance

Hockey is a unique sport due to the playing surface being made of ice, and thus requiring athletes to develop locomotor and change of direction ability on skates. In addition, hockey involves frequent body collision, high intensity sprints, decelerations and acceleration over the course of a 45 s – 1 min shift, repeated for three …

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Best or averaged test results?

Validity refers to the accuracy of a measurement, or how well it measures what it’s intended to measure. Reliability refers to the repeatability of a measure. It’s important for coaches to understand these terms when testing and monitoring athletes. For the data to provide meaningful information, it must truly reflect what it is that the …

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Can we track changes in 1RM with the 225 Bench Press Test?

The law of specificity, or the SAID principle (Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands) suggests that we will improve upon the skill we practice. This certainly applies to strength and conditioning training, albeit, with some gray areas in between. The 225 bench press test is famous for being used at football combine as a measure of …

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Predictors of Athletic Performance

Performance testing our athletes serves multiple purposes: 1. Informs us of current fitness/performance level (i.e., baseline) 2. Informs us of progress made from training which also enables evaluation of program effectiveness. 3. Provides bench marks for goal setting, progress and thresholds for player selection. 4. Allows coaches to create player profiles to drive program design …

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