Reduced wellness relates with decrements in training output in pro soccer

The age old question of “how are you feeling?” is a highly underrated monitoring tool that tends to get overlooked in the current era of advanced sports science technology. Factors such as mood and sleep quality tend to deteriorate when fatigue accumulates and performance starts to suffer. Therefore, tracking this information can be a useful …

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Lack of variation in training load and injury risk in college football players

With the development of wearable GPS and inertial movement devices, quantifying training load in sports teams has become much more convenient and are becoming more affordable to smaller-budget programs. These devices quantify movement in all directions and speeds, providing the coach with useful metrics to determine how much distance is being covered and at what …

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What performance factors separate successful from less successful teams?

What separates successful teams from less successful teams? One can make a case for a number of underlying variables. For example, some may attribute success, or lack thereof, to training and conditioning methods. Some may argue that reducing injuries and therefore enabling key players to accumulate more playing time is a key contributor to success. …

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Comparing match performance from multiple weekend competitions in female soccer

The competitive schedule is an obstacle that all sports teams must deal with each year. Extensive travel, consecutive matches against high level opponents and even inclement weather can all contribute to tough games and a few extra checks in the L column rather than the W. Another major factor that coaches have little control over …

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