Effect of match time and location on sleep quality in professional soccer players

Inadequate recovery can substantially impact athletic performance and increase risk of illness or injury. Therefore, it’s no surprise that organizations invest plenty of time and money in technologies and facilities that are intended to enhance and speed up the recovery process. However, there remains considerable debate surrounding the efficacy of various recovery modalities. For example, …

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Decreased knee flexor muscle function from frequent soccer match simulations

There are many instances in team sports where matches are held every day or every other day. This occurs during tournament play as well as congested match fixtures. Competitions are considerably more taxing on players than practices, often resulting in greater soreness and muscle damage. Therefore, it is reasonable for coaches to be concerned about …

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Does foam rolling enhance recovery in elite athletes?

It can take anywhere from 48 to 96 hours for full recovery to take place following a match. However, there are many instances in which athletes are not given adequate recovery time between competitions. Tournament-play and congested match fixtures often require athletes to compete on consecutive days, or sometimes twice in the same day. As …

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Effect of varying training frequency on performance in elite youth soccer players

Strength and conditioning training does not necessarily make an athlete more talented or skilled at their sport. It does however enable an athlete to perform their skills while accumulating less fatigue. More over, basic physical qualities such as strength and power underpin numerous athletic performance tasks such as jumping, sprinting and changing direction. An important …

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Reduced sleep quality preceding injury in a professional soccer player

Numerous studies have found links between sleep quality and or quantity and injury risk in athletes of various ages and levels. This has encouraged the development of novel sleep technologies and popularized the implementation of sleep-monitoring sports teams. However, one of the limitations of traditional research is the focus on mean data reporting from groups …

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Showering before bed improves sleep quality in youth athletes

For the unenlightened coach, sleep hygiene is a serious issue with today’s athletes. While sleep has always been regarded as a key part of the recovery process, only recently have young athletes been given access to the major distraction that is the smartphone device. How many athletes are actually attempting to go to sleep after …

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Greater lower body power in starters vs. non-starters in women’s soccer

The sport of soccer is traditionally thought of as a predominantly aerobic-endurance sport. This is because matches can last in excess of 1.5 hours in addition to involving a considerable amount of jogging and walking between short bursts. For these reasons, many soccer coaches are concerned primarily with developing cardiorespiratory fitness among their players and are …

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Reduced wellness relates with decrements in training output in pro soccer

The age old question of “how are you feeling?” is a highly underrated monitoring tool that tends to get overlooked in the current era of advanced sports science technology. Factors such as mood and sleep quality tend to deteriorate when fatigue accumulates and performance starts to suffer. Therefore, tracking this information can be a useful …

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Effect of pre-game calorie intake on performance markers in soccer

The pre-game meal might not receive the appropriate attention from coaches that it deserves. Many sports are held at times that are several hours after traditional meal times, e.g., 11 am or 4 pm. This often means that breakfast or lunch is the last meal that athletes eat before competition. For many coaches, meal emphasis …

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Low or high volume plyometrics for young soccer players?

Plyometric training is one of the most effective training methods for improving sprinting, jumping and change of direction performance in team-sport athletes. Each of these physical performance qualities utilize the stretch-shortening cycle to harness the elastic properties of muscle and tendon. The neuromuscular adaptation that take place in response to plyometric training enable athletes to …

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