Mid-Thigh pull variables relate with performance metrics in collegiate basketball players

Some of the top minds in the field of strength and conditioning believe that the key to athletic performance comes down to how much force an athlete can put into the ground and how quickly that force can be applied. While this may be an oversimplification, one cannot argue that peak force and rate of …

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Impact of sleep extension on basketball performance

When coaches think of an intervention to enhance physical performance in their athletes, they would most often come up with some type of “sport-specific” workout regiment or various technical or tactical drills. Certainly, these types of interventions can absolutely result in meaningful performance improvements. However, there may be some more passive interventions that coaches can …

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Early morning workouts reduce sleep quantity and jump performance

Early morning workouts have become a staple for collegiate and professional athletes. The main reason why workouts are held so early (i.e., between 5:00 – 8:00 am) is because class schedules make it difficult for the team to train later in the day. In addition, afternoons are typically reserved for practices. Some coaches may even …

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Performance effects of plyometrics during preseason basketball training

In the six to eight weeks of training preceding the competitive season, many teams reduce or eliminate strength and power training due to increased sport-specific training such as technical/tactical work, scrimmaging and conditioning. In the sport of basketball, there are concerns that overall ground contacts of jumping and bounding exercises may be too high and …

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Proprioception training to reduce lower body injury

The most common area’s of injury occurrence in team-sport athletes are the ankle, knee and low back. These injuries can be quite debilitating, often requiring time away from training, practicing and competing. Coaches must be proactive in limiting injury risk in their athletes by devising evidence based programs that improve strength, stability and mobility of …

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Reactive Agility Provides Better Indication of Performance

In team sports like basketball, football and soccer, speed may be considered the ultimate weapon. It’s not uncommon to see undersized teams prevail over bigger, stronger opponents simply because of speed. Scouts and recruiters are constantly evaluating players, and speed is a huge factor that they consider. It’s important to understand however that blazing linear …

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